Thursday, 21 October 2010

Four Sesons by Dmitri Koh


The day has arrived
Wonders waiting to happen
Dreams begin to end

Already halfway
Yet heat creates a stillness
Masking the descent

 Cool evening air blows
 Contemplating the time spent
 Shadows frolicking

The day is transient
You only realise when its gone
Falling into dreams

Book review on One Singapore

One Singapore—by Goh Sin Tub

One Singapore by local author and ex-civil servant Goh Sin Tub, is a delightful collection of short stories, some fictional and some from Mr. Goh’s own anecdotes. The stories represent small pictures of life in Singapore and also show the colourful experiences Mr. Goh has had in his life. It is also very interesting as he recounts his days pioneering the construction of Singapore, and he also provides us with stories that reveal the sides of our leaders that we have never seen or known before, such as President Nathan and the late David Marshall. After reading a few stories, you may find that there is somewhat a repitition of ideas such as the importance of family values, nonetheless, Mr. Goh’s honed writing style presents these ideas in a fresh way and still attracts the reader to stay engrossed in the book. In all, the book is an accessible and easy read for all.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

The Teenage Textbook Movie (1998)

Whiteness by JUNE


It is one of these late mornings
when everything is white
where the sky is overcast by
the chilly remnants of rain.
Vehicles glide past the moist tar
children's senseless screaming
muffled by the aftermath of mist.

I lay on my back
on the firmly soft bed grasping
the drifted pieces of
disjointed dreams.

Objects, walls, the ceiling
breathing noiselessly under
the stretch of milky white.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Spark by a sec 1 student (Sam)


A little spark is what you are,
but it was enough to kindle a flame in my heart.
I enjoyed its warmth
but now, it started flaring in my heart.
The intense heat is unbearable,
Is that what you want?

Monday, 13 September 2010

Haikus by Nod Narb

Running after you
But getting only a glimpse
Of your distant back

The rain is falling
My mind drenched in the greyness
I feel just as heavy

Only silence left
The dream from which i awoke
Is there nothing more?